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Shaping Behavior and Reflexes

Writer's picture: Sena MutluSena Mutlu

Step into the captivating world of experimental psychology, where the secrets of human behavior and the art of reflex conditioning await a curious mind! The fascinating world of experimental psychology is waiting to be explored in this series, titled "Experimental Psychology Series", which addresses the intricacies of human behavior and reflexes.

According to professor Di Benedetto (2011) from Michigan State University, the canvas of everyday life witnesses a symphony of both instinctive and learned responses, in which external cues trigger involuntary reflexes and form the basis of our interactions with the world by triggering behaviors. This article explores the principles of classical conditioning and operant conditioning that influence responses to external stimuli, inspired by visionary figures such as Pavlov and Skinner, whose groundbreaking experiments reshaped the understanding of reflex conditioning, as confirmed by experimental psychologists Dickinson and Mackintosh (1978).

Beyond the observable, the complex interplay of cognitive processes and behavior shaping is revealed as a connection between thoughts, feelings, actions, and external triggers. Moreover, diverse applications of behavior modification techniques are emerging in real-world contexts, from marketing strategies to therapeutic interventions, and the impact of these principles should be explored. However, this journey also requires recognition of the limitations of behaviorism, forcing readers to accept the complexity of their inner experiences and to develop a more comprehensive and empathetic view of human nature. In addition, City University professors Bawden and Robinson (2013) emphasize that individuality emerges as a crucial factor in shaping behavior, and the impact of unique traits and past experiences on responses to these techniques is examined.

Figure 1: Ivan Pavlov (Practical Psychology, 2022).

Revealing Behaviorism: Understanding Human Behavior

First, the main topic of behaviorism should be investigated. According to Clark (2018), who is currently working at Texas University, behaviorism, a fundamentally psychological approach, emphasizes the observable aspects of human behavior and seeks to understand and explain behaviors through external stimuli and responses, disregarding internal mental processes. This objective and scientific perspective has paved the way for significant developments in experimental psychology (Clark 2018). Professor Tolman (1926), who is well known for his work in the field of psychology, supports this idea by defining behaviorism and its core principles, underscoring its unique focus on observable behavior, which differentiates it from other psychological theories.

According to Tolman (1928), based on the belief that all behaviors are learned, behaviorism seeks to identify the environmental factors that influence and shape actions. By disregarding unobservable aspects of the mind, such as thoughts and emotions, behaviorism strives to be an objective and quantifiable approach to understanding human behavior. How did this idea come about historically? Exploring the historical context of behaviorism reveals the pioneering work of influential figures, such as John B. Watson, B.F. Skinner, and Ivan Pavlov. According to Malone (2014), the author of numerous studies in experimental psychology, Watson, often regarded as the father of behaviorism, championed the idea that human behavior was not inherently predetermined but rather influenced by the environment. In addition, Watson's famous experiment involving a young boy, named "Little Albert", demonstrated how fear responses could be conditioned through association (Malone, 2014).

Another influential name in the field is Weigel (1977) who, building upon Watson's work in his book titled B.F. Skinner, claimed Skinner further refined behaviorism and introduced the concept of operant conditioning; Skinner's experiments with rats and pigeons demonstrated that behaviors could be modified through positive and negative reinforcement. Skinner introduced the idea of shaping behavior through gradual approximations, where desired behaviors are reinforced until the target behavior is achieved (Weigel, 1977). Thus, Skinner's contributions solidified behaviorism's position as a significant force in psychology (Weigel, 1977).

Figure 2: B.F. Skinner (Practical Psychology, 2022).

Another important point in behaviorism is that reflex conditioning plays a crucial role in shaping involuntary responses, as noted by Kubie (1934), an influential psychiatrist. According to Kubie (1934), reflex conditioning involves the process of associating a neutral stimulus with a natural, unconditioned response to evoke a new, conditioned response; the classic example of Ivan Pavlov's experiment with dogs exemplifies this process. A psychology teacher from the University of Manchester, McLeod (2007), explained the process as follows: by pairing the sound of a bell (neutral stimulus) with the presentation of food (unconditioned stimulus), dogs eventually began to salivate (conditioned response) at the sound of the bell alone, even without the presence of food.

By the way, in Pavlov's framework of classical conditioning, there are three types of stimuli. First, the unconditioned stimulus (US), which is a natural trigger that prompts an automatic response without prior learning (McLeod, 2007). For instance, food naturally causes salivation. Next, the neutral stimulus (NS), on the other hand, does not initially bring about a significant response, it is essentially irrelevant to the behavior being studied, like a bell's ring before association (McLeod, 2007). Last, through repeated pairing with an unconditioned stimulus, the conditioned stimulus (CS) transforms from a neutral stimulus to evoke a response similar to the unconditioned stimulus (McLeod, 2007).

The ringing bell that eventually leads to salivation in Pavlov's dog experiments is an example of a conditioned stimulus; these stimulus types are crucial in illustrating how associations between stimuli form the basis of learned behaviors (McLeod, 2007). However, reflex conditioning extends beyond Pavlov's dogs, as it underlies numerous aspects of human behavior, from which reflex conditioning demonstrates how the environment can shape involuntary responses (McLeod, 2007). The classical conditioning topic is revisited in the next paragraph.

Figure 3: John B. Watson (Practical Psychology, 2022).

Forging Connections: The Essence of Classical Conditioning and Reflex Responses

Classical conditioning, a fundamental concept in behaviorism studied by researchers in the field of psychology, delves into the process of forming associations between stimuli and responses (Mahabadi, Sanvictores, and Rehman, 2017). According to this theory, there is an unconditioned stimulus (UCS), unconditioned response (UCR), conditioned stimulus (CS), and conditioned response (CR) (Rehman et al., 2017). UCS refers to a stimulus that naturally and automatically triggers a specific response without any prior learning (Rehman et al., 2017). For example, in Pavlov's classic experiment, food was the UCS, as it naturally elicits salivation in dogs without any conditioning, which is the innate response produced by the UCS (Rehman et al., 2017).

Continuing with the example of Pavlov's dogs, salivation is an unconditioned response triggered by food presentation. The process of classical conditioning involves pairing a neutral stimulus with the UCS repeatedly, eventually leading the neutral stimulus to evoke a response similar to the UCR; finally, the neutral stimulus becomes the CS (Rehman et al., 2017). In addition, in Pavlov's classic experiment, the neutral stimulus was a bell, which initially did not elicit any significant responses from dogs (Rehman et al., 2017). However, after repeatedly pairing the sound of the bell with the presentation of food, the dogs began to associate the bell with the imminent arrival of food. Consequently, the sound of the bell alone was sufficient to trigger salivation even in the absence of food (Rehman et al., 2017). The salivation response elicited by a conditioned stimulus is known as a conditioned response (CR) (Rehman et al., 2017).

This groundbreaking study by Pavlov highlights the power of classical conditioning in shaping behavioral responses. In short, classical conditioning experiments, exemplified by Pavlov's dogs, provide profound insights into the process of reflex conditioning; Pavlov's groundbreaking research remains one of the most influential examples of this phenomenon (Rehman et al., 2017). By observing the dogs' responses to the neutral stimulus (the bell) before and after pairing it with the UCS (food), Pavlov demonstrated how dogs learned to associate the bell with the impending arrival of food, resulting in salivation, as well as demonstrating how the environment and repeated associations between stimuli could shape involuntary reflexes, showcasing the power of classical conditioning in modifying behavior (Rehman et al., 2017).

Figure 4: Classical Conditioning (Seong, 2023).

Another famous classical conditioning experiment is John Watson’s and Rosalie Rayner's "Little Albert" study. According to clinical neuropsychologist Harris (1979), in this experiment, Watson and Rayner conditioned a fear response in a young boy named Albert by repeatedly presenting a white rat (CS) along with a loud, frightening noise (UCS); after several pairings, Albert began to display fear (CR) not only towards the rat but also towards other similar objects (Harris, 1979). This study highlights how conditioned responses could generalize to stimuli beyond the original conditioned stimulus, thus impacting behavior in various contexts.

The practical implications of classical conditioning extend beyond laboratory experiments and permeate various real-world scenarios. Tom (1995), a professor of marketing, makes an important point: one prominent application of classical conditioning can be found in marketing strategies; advertisers often use classical conditioning principles to associate their products with positive emotions or desirable outcomes. How? By pairing their products with stimuli that evoke positive emotions such as happiness or excitement, they aim to create a conditioned response that makes consumers associate these emotions with the product (Tom, 1995). Over time, consumers may be more likely to choose these products, driven by their conditioned positive responses (Tom, 1995).

Therapeutic interventions also harness classical conditioning. Psychology professors from Vermont University, Bouton and Nelson (1998), claimed that in exposure therapy, a common treatment for anxiety disorders, patients are gradually exposed to anxiety-provoking stimuli (CS) while preventing any negative consequences (UCS). Through repeated exposure, the conditioned response (fear) weakens, and the patient learns to respond to the previous anxiety-inducing stimulus without fear (CR) (Bouton and Nelson, 1998). This process helps individuals overcome their phobias and anxieties by reconditioning their responses to previously triggered stimuli.

Figure 5: Pavlov observing one of the dogs on which he conducted his behaviorist experiments (Science History Images, n.d.).

Shaping Behavior: The Dynamics of Operant Conditioning and its Applications

Now, prepare to look at the shaping of behavior from another perspective! According to the founder of operant conditioning, B. F. Skinner (1971), this type of conditioning is a significant psychological concept that explores how behaviors are influenced by consequences. Unlike classical conditioning, which focuses on reflexive responses to stimuli, operant conditioning centers on voluntary behaviors shaped by their outcomes; the fundamental principles of operant conditioning involve reinforcement and punishment (Skinner, 1971).

So, what exactly are reinforcement and punishment? According to the book Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, written by scientists Sutton and Barto (2018), reinforcement refers to the process of increasing the likelihood of a behavior occurring again by following it with a consequence. Sutton and Barto (2018) also discuss reinforcement in more detail: First, positive reinforcement involves adding something desirable to the situation as a reward, strengthening the behavior. For instance, giving a child a sticker (positive reinforcement) for completing their chores (behavior) encourages them to continue doing their chores in the future (Sutton and Barto, 2018). Next, Sutton and Barto (2018) refer to negative reinforcement, which involves removing something aversive or unpleasant to strengthen a behavior. An example is when a student studies hard (behavior) to avoid the stress of failing a test (aversive consequence), and as a result, they do well on the test, strengthening that behavior (Sutton and Barto, 2018).

How can the term punishment be defined? The book titled Aversive Conditioning and Learning by medical psychologist Brush (2014) reveals that punishment, on the other hand, aims to decrease the likelihood of a behavior recurring by associating it with negative consequences. Positive punishment involves adding something unpleasant as a consequence, such as giving a time-out to a misbehaving child (positive punishment). The child is less likely to repeat the misbehavior to avoid the time-out (Brush, 2014). However, negative punishment entails removing something pleasant as a consequence, like taking away a child's favorite toy (negative punishment) when they don't follow the rules; the child learns that their misbehavior leads to the loss of something enjoyable, reducing the likelihood of repeating that behavior (Brush, 2014). To briefly recapitulate: The distinction between positive and negative reinforcement, as well as positive and negative punishment, is crucial in operant conditioning. Positive reinforcement and punishment involve adding something to the situation, whether rewarding or aversive, to influence behavior (Sutton & Barto, 2018). Negative reinforcement and punishment, conversely, involve removing something from the situation to impact behavior (Brush, 2014).

Figure 6: Operant Conditioning (Seong, 2023).

The topics under consideration can be supported by giving real-life examples. For instance, in a classroom setting, if a teacher praises a student (positive reinforcement) for actively participating in class discussions (behavior), the student is more likely to continue participating (Brush, 2014). Contradictorily, if the teacher reprimands the student (positiv8e punishment) for talking out of turn (behavior), the student may be less inclined to interrupt in the future (Brush, 2014). The key takeaway is that both reinforcement and punishment play essential roles in shaping behavior, whether by adding something pleasant or unpleasant or removing something desirable.

Kirsch et al. (2004), researchers in the field of psychology, explained that the process of behavior shaping through operant conditioning is evident in both laboratory experiments and real-life situations. According to the same researchers (2004), in laboratory settings, researchers use operant conditioning to train animals to perform specific tasks through a series of reinforcements. For instance, a rat in a maze learns to press a lever for a food reward (positive reinforcement), which links the action of pressing the lever to the positive outcome of receiving food and, as the rat continues to receive the reward for pressing the lever, the behavior becomes more frequent and refined due to the reinforcement, ultimately leading to shaping the rat's behavior to match the desired response.

As mentioned by Mandriota (2021), a writer in the field of psychology and human relationships, in real-life situations, behavior shaping occurs more subtly; parents may use positive reinforcement by praising their child's good behavior or academic achievements, encouraging them to repeat these actions (Mandriota, 2021). Likewise, negative reinforcement can be seen when a driver buckles their seatbelt (behavior) to silence the annoying seatbelt warning sound (aversive consequence) (Mandriota, 2021). Moreover, Mandriota (2021) adds that operant conditioning can be seen in workplaces, where employees receive bonuses (positive reinforcement) for meeting specific targets, motivating them to maintain their performance. Conversely, employees may work harder to avoid negative consequences like reprimands or salary cuts (negative punishment) (Mandriota, 2021).

Figure 7: B.F. Skinner in his lab (Science History Images, n.d.).

Moreover, operant conditioning finds extensive applications in educational settings. As indicated by Altman and Linton (1971), researchers from the University of Wisconsin, in education, teachers use positive reinforcement, such as praise, stickers, or small rewards, to encourage student engagement and good behavior. By reinforcing desired behaviors like active participation, completing assignments, or being respectful, teachers create an environment that fosters learning and positive behavior (Altman and Linton, 1971). Altman and Linton (1971) added that negative reinforcement can also play a role in education when teachers remove aversive stimuli as a way to encourage academic performance; for example, a teacher might allow students who complete their homework to skip repetitive drills, removing the tedious task as a reward.

Cognitive Influences on Behavior: Bridging the Gap between Conditioning and Internal Processes

While behaviorism has provided valuable insights into the study of human behavior, it does have limitations, particularly in neglecting the role of internal mental processes, as mentioned by social psychologists Bargh and Ferguson (2000). Behaviorism focuses solely on observable behavior and external stimuli, leaving the complex workings of the mind unexplored; this limitation has led to criticism, as behaviorism fails to address the influence of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions in shaping behavior (Bargh & Ferguson, 2000). Cognitive processes play a crucial role in behavior shaping, complementing the principles of conditioning (Bargh & Ferguson, 2000). Unlike behaviorism, cognitive psychology examines the internal mental processes that mediate stimuli and responses; these processes include perception, attention, memory, problem-solving, and decision making, all of which influence how individuals perceive and respond to the world around them (Bargh & Ferguson, 2000). In addition, it can be said that understanding behavior change becomes more comprehensive when cognitive factors are considered alongside conditioning principles.

Cognitive processes contribute to how individuals interpret and respond to reinforcement and punishment, impacting their behavioral choices, as revealed by Bargh and Ferguson (2000). For instance, if someone believes that studying hard (behavior) will lead to better grades (positive reinforcement), they are more likely to engage in that behavior. Similarly, if someone anticipates a negative outcome (e.g., failure) from engaging in risky behavior (e.g., skipping class), they may be less likely to engage in that behavior (negative punishment) (Bargh & Ferguson, 2000).

Figure 8: Children imitating the aggressive behaviors in the Bobo doll experiment (McLeod, 2023).

According to Boeree (2006), a psychologist specializing in the area of personality, studies demonstrate the influence of cognitive processes in shaping behavior. Boeree (2006) claimed that Albert Bandura's famous Bobo doll experiment is a prime example. In this study, children observed an adult model behaving aggressively towards a Bobo doll. Later, when the children were allowed to play with the doll, they imitated the aggressive behaviors they had seen, illustrating the role of cognitive processes, such as attention, memory, and imitation, in learning and reproducing behavior (Boeree, 2006).

Another study, conducted by Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968)—who were pioneering psychologists in the field of experimental psychology—in a classroom setting, explored the impact of teachers' expectations on students' academic performance. In this study, teachers were falsely informed that certain students were "academic bloomers" and were expected to excel in their studies. As a result, these students demonstrated significant improvements in their academic achievements, suggesting that cognitive factors, such as teacher expectations and subsequent interactions, influenced the students' behavior and performance (Rosenthal and Jacobson, 1968).

Embracing Individual Differences: Tailored Behavior Modification Strategies

So far, this article has examined behaviorism and different types of conditioning and cognitive processes. So, when it comes to changing behaviors, is it appropriate to treat everyone as if they are all identical? Baltruschat (2020), a psychologist from the University of Granada, recognizes that the significance of individual differences is paramount in understanding how individuals respond to behavior modification techniques; each person possesses a unique combination of characteristics, experiences, and biological factors that shape their behavior. Therefore, a one-size-fits-all approach to behavior modification may not yield optimal results; instead, acknowledging and considering individual differences becomes essential in designing effective behavior-shaping strategies (Baltruschat, 2020). According to Patterson, Jones, Whittier, and Wright (1964), important names in developmental psychology, several factors can influence an individual's response to behavior modification techniques. To start with, personality traits play a critical role, as some individuals may be naturally more receptive to reinforcement or punishment (Patterson et al. (1964). For example, a person with an outgoing and extroverted personality might respond better to positive reinforcement, such as public praise, whereas an introverted individual might prefer private acknowledgment (Patterson et al., 1964).

Another point mentioned by Patterson et al. (1964) is the influence of genetics. The latter also contribute to individual differences in behavior, since some people may have a genetic predisposition that affects how they process rewards and punishments (Patterson et al., 1964). Neuropsychologists Missale et al. (1998) stated that genetic factors can influence dopamine receptors in the brain, which play a role in motivation and learning; this genetic variability can affect an individual's sensitivity to reinforcement and punishment, making certain techniques more or less effective. Besides, past experiences further shape an individual's response to behavior modification, as mentioned in the book Learning Theory and Behavior Modification, written by the psychologist Walker (2017), which argues traumatic experiences or negative associations with certain stimuli may influence how one responds to conditioning principles. For instance, a person with a fear of dogs due to a past negative experience might not respond well to attempts at positive reinforcement involving dogs as a reward (Walker, 2017).

Walker (2017) declared that the recognition of individual differences calls for personalized approaches in behavior shaping and reflex conditioning. How? A tailored approach acknowledges the unique characteristics and needs of each individual, ensuring that the techniques employed align with their specific traits and experiences.; this personalized strategy can enhance the effectiveness of behavior modification and increase the likelihood of successful outcomes (Walker, 2017). As mentioned before by Altman and Linton (1971), in educational settings, teachers can adapt their teaching methods to cater to individual learning styles and preferences. Some students may thrive with positive reinforcement, while others may need more guidance and support to overcome challenges; by recognizing and accommodating individual differences, educators create an inclusive environment that fosters positive behavioral changes and academic success (Altman & Linton, 1971).

Figure 9: Classical vs. Operant Conditioning (Seong, 2023).

Moreover, as reported by clinical psychologists Moscow et al. (2023), in therapeutic settings, personalized approaches are fundamental in addressing various behavioral and emotional issues; therapists use client-centered approaches to understand each person's unique circumstances and tailor interventions accordingly (Moscow et al., 2023). According to Moscow et al. (2023), the client-centered approach is a therapeutic approach in psychology where the therapist provides an empathetic and non-judgmental environment for the client, allowing them to explore their thoughts and feelings freely. The focus is on the client's self-discovery and personal growth, with the therapist offering active listening, unconditional positive regard, and empathy to facilitate the client's own insights and solutions (Moscow et al., 2023). This approach was developed by Carl Rogers and emphasizes the importance of the client's perspective and autonomy in the therapeutic process (Moscow et al., 2023). By taking into account an individual's personality, past experiences, and specific needs, therapists can design effective behavior modification plans that facilitate lasting change and improved mental well-being (Moscow et al., 2023).

Ethical Considerations in Behavior Modification: Striking a Balance for Responsible Practice

Behavior modification techniques, particularly those involving reinforcement and punishment, raise significant ethical implications. According to a researcher from the University of Missouri, Braun (1975), while these techniques can be powerful tools for shaping behavior, their use must be approached with caution and responsibility. Positive reinforcement, when used appropriately, can motivate individuals and promote positive behaviors, but there is a fine line between reinforcing positive behaviors and inadvertently reinforcing harmful or undesirable actions (Braun, 1975). Similarly, punishment can have negative psychological and emotional effects if administered excessively or inappropriately. It is essential to strike a balance between effectively modifying behavior and ensuring the well-being of the individuals involved (Braun, 1975).

Braun (1975) added that one of the primary concerns associated with the misuse of behavior modification techniques is the potential for negative side effects. Excessive use of punishment, especially harsh or aversive punishment, can lead to fear, anxiety, and decreased self-esteem, and punishment that is inconsistent or unpredictable may also result in confusion and anxiety, making an individual less likely to learn from their actions (Braun, 1975). For instance, if a student receives detention for talking in class one day but not for similar behavior on another day, they might become confused about the consequences of their actions, this confusion could lead to a decreased understanding of the relationship between behavior and outcomes, ultimately hindering their ability to learn from their actions (Braun, 1975).

Another concern involves the ethical implications of using behavior modification techniques without the informed consent of the individuals involved. According to Cooke and Cooke (1974), researchers in the field of developmental psychology, whether applied in educational or therapeutic settings, individuals have the right to be informed about the techniques being employed and the potential consequences. Without proper informed consent, the autonomy and dignity of individuals may be compromised and trust in the therapeutic or educational relationship may be undermined (Cooke & Cooke, 1974). At this point, Stanley Milgram's study, one of the most famous studies in which ethical rules were said to be violated, must be mentioned. The Milgram obedience experiments, conducted by Stanley Milgram in the 1960s, explored people's willingness to obey authority, even when doing so caused harm (McLeod, 2007). Participants administered electric shocks to others, unaware they were actors (McLeod, 2007). These experiments raised ethical concerns, particularly about informed consent; participants were not fully informed about the study's purpose and potential harm, highlighting the importance of transparency and protecting participants' rights in research (McLeod, 2007).

Figure 10: Stanley Milgram (Milgram, n.d.).

Cooke and Cooke (1974) revealed that to ensure ethical practices in behavior modification, the development and implementation of clear guidelines and standards are crucial; these guidelines should emphasize the importance of informed consent, respect for autonomy, and the promotion of overall well-being. Ethical practitioners must consider the individual's best interests while striving to maintain a positive and respectful therapeutic or educational environment (Cooke & Cooke, 1974). Moreover, Leslie (1997) noted that when dealing with vulnerable populations, such as children or individuals with cognitive impairments, additional ethical considerations come into play; these populations may be less capable of providing informed consent or understanding the consequences of their actions fully. Therefore, it is essential to exercise heightened caution and to involve the appropriate parties, such as parents or legal guardians, in the decision-making process (Leslie, 1997).

Furthermore, Leslie (1997) also mentioned that ethical guidelines should emphasize the use of positive and constructive techniques that focus on promoting adaptive behaviors and skills. Emphasizing the positive reinforcement of desired behaviors fosters a nurturing and supportive environment, leading to lasting behavior change and personal growth (Leslie, 1997).


In a nutshell, the Experimental Psychology series has taken readers on another mind-expanding journey into the world of human behavior and reaction training. The fundamental concepts of classical and operant conditioning, as well as the complicated interplay between cognition and behavior, were investigated, exposing the numerous threads that comprise our actions and responses, as well as techniques for changing one's behavior. The core concepts of informed consent, autonomy, and benevolent intent underpin ethical practice, assuring the responsible use of the ability to shape behavior. As readers wave farewell to this expedition, they find themselves equipped to traverse the real world, armed with a greater understanding of themselves and others. The ongoing symphony of behavior and responses resounds, and through our newfound knowledge, the possibility develops for us to contribute harmoniously to the ever-changing composition of the human experience. Be prepared for Experimental Psychology Series' next adventure into the human condition in the coming weeks!

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Sena Mutlu

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