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The Self Serves as a Reference Point: Attribution Processes

Writer: Gökalp BozGökalp Boz

As we embark on the next phase of our exploration into social cognition, inspired by the profound insights of Fiske and Taylor, we transition from the complexities of self-regulation to the intricacies of attribution processes. Reflecting on our journey thus far, where the self emerged as both sculpted by cultural influences and guided by self-regulatory mechanisms, we now delve into how individuals make sense of themselves and others. From our initial foray into the dynamic nature of the self-concept to our exploration of motivational systems and neural underpinnings, we've uncovered the multifaceted layers of human cognition. Guided by Higgins' self-discrepancy theory and insights into self-efficacy and personal control, we've gained valuable perspectives on the interplay between cognition, emotion, and behavior.

Now, with attribution processes as our focus, we return to the central role of the self, serving as a reference point against which behaviors are interpreted and attributed. Throughout our discussion, how the self serves as a lens through which the qualities and behaviors of others will be examined. By understanding the intricacies of attribution processes, we gain insight into the cognitive mechanisms that underpin social cognition, shedding light on the complex interplay between self-perception and interpersonal understanding. In this chapter of our journey, we unravel the cognitive mechanisms that shape our perceptions of ourselves and others, navigating the complex landscape of social cognition with curiosity and insight.

Illustration of discovering the self (Aqui é 5D, 2024)
Figure 1: Illustration of discovering the self (Aqui é 5D, 2024).

The Self Serves as a Reference Point

Social cognition, the complex realm of understanding human interaction, delves deep into the intricate workings of the mind. At its core lies the self-concept, a pivotal construct that not only molds our perceptions of ourselves but also serves as a lens through which we interpret the behaviors and qualities of others. Central to this dynamic interplay is the concept of attribution, which concerns how individuals infer causal explanations for people's actions and mental states.

Imagine the self as a mirror, reflecting our own image back to us, but also acting as a prism through which we view the world around us. Our perceptions of others are colored by our own self-concept, influencing how we attribute motives, intentions, and traits to those we encounter. Consider, for instance, how our own experiences, beliefs, and values shape our interpretations of others' behavior. If we see ourselves as outgoing and sociable, we may attribute similar qualities to individuals exhibiting extroverted behavior. Conversely, if we perceive ourselves as cautious and reserved, we may interpret similar behavior in others as indicative of shyness or apprehension. But the influence of the self-concept extends beyond mere interpretation; it also shapes the processes through which we make attributions. Research indicates that individuals employ different attributional strategies based on how others' behavior aligns with their self-concept. Those with a strong need for self-enhancement may be inclined to make dispositional attributions for positive behaviors in others, attributing success to internal factors like talent or effort, while attributing failure to external factors beyond their control. Furthermore, our perceptions of others can either validate or challenge our self-concept. Encountering individuals embodying qualities we aspire to possess can inspire us to emulate their behavior, enhancing our self-concept. Conversely, encountering individuals whose qualities contradict our self-concept may prompt feelings of discomfort or cognitive dissonance, leading us to reassess our beliefs and values (Fiske & Taylor, 2017).

In essence, the self serves as a multifaceted reference point in the attribution process, shaping not only how we perceive ourselves but also how we interpret and attribute meaning to the actions of others. Understanding this intricate interplay offers valuable insights into the complexities of social cognition and how individuals navigate the social world. The self-concept acts as a filter through which we view the world and make sense of the behaviors of others. By understanding how our perceptions of ourselves influence our interpretations of others, we gain insight into the intricate dynamics of social interaction. This understanding is essential for navigating social relationships and fostering a deeper understanding of human behavior.

The self as a prism to view the world around us (Bellandrina, 2024)
Figure 2: The self as a prism to view the world around us (Bellandrina, 2024).


The phenomenon known as the self-reference effect offers a fascinating insight into how we remember information. Simply put, when information is connected to ourselves in some way, we tend to remember it better than information that isn't self-relevant. This concept has intrigued researchers across various fields, including social cognitive neuroscience.

Previous studies in social cognitive neuroscience have delved into the brain's response to self-referencing. For instance, one study by Kelley and colleagues (2002) asked participants to judge words as either describing themselves, former President George Bush, or presented in uppercase letters. What they found was that when people were asked to think about words in relation to themselves, a part of the brain called the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) lit up. This brain region is associated with self-referential thinking and seemed to play a role in how well people remembered words later on (Macrae, Moran, Heatherton, Banfield, & Kelley, 2004). But here's the interesting part: this self-referencing effect isn't just limited to conscious judgments about ourselves. Even when people aren't explicitly thinking about themselves, their brains still seem to be processing information in a self-relevant way. A study by Heatherton and colleagues (2004) showed that the mPFC was active not only during tasks where people consciously thought about themselves but also during tasks where they made implicit judgments. This suggests that our brains are constantly processing information in relation to ourselves, even when we're not consciously aware of it.

So, why does this happen? One theory, called simulation theory, suggests that we understand others by simulating their mental states based on our own experiences. In other words, we try to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling by putting ourselves in their shoes. Mitchell, Banaji, and Macrae (2005) found evidence for this idea when they discovered that a part of the brain associated with self-referential thinking was also activated when people were asked to think about others who were similar to themselves. This suggests that the same brain mechanisms involved in thinking about ourselves are also at play when we think about people who are like us. Additionally, studies of individuals with brain damage have provided valuable insights into how specific brain regions contribute to self-reflection. When certain parts of the prefrontal cortex are damaged, individuals may have difficulty reflecting on themselves and their experiences. This highlights the importance of these brain regions in understanding the self and how we relate to others.

In essence, the self-reference effect in memory is closely tied to how we think about ourselves, with specific brain regions like the medial prefrontal cortex playing a crucial role in this process. By understanding the neural mechanisms behind self-referencing, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of how we remember information in relation to ourselves and others, shedding light on the complex workings of the human brain.

Illustration of brain regions that are responsible for social cognition (Duraiappah, Mercier, Singh, 2020)
Figure 3: Illustration of brain regions that are responsible for social cognition (Duraiappah, Mercier, Singh, 2020)

Social Projection

In the field of social cognition, individuals actively construct the social world in their own likeness. Grounded in the self-concept, our beliefs and personal qualities shape our assessments of others, leading to a phenomenon known as social projection. Social projection refers to the tendency of individuals to estimate their own preferences, traits, problems, activities, and attitudes to be characteristic of others, often beyond what the evidence warrants (Mullen & Goethals, 1990). This cognitive bias manifests in various ways. People commonly assume that others share their characteristics, emotions, and motives), often using the same traits to describe acquaintances as they do to describe themselves. Moreover, social projection effects persist even when individuals have time to deliberate on their assessments, receive accurate feedback, or possess relevant information about others (Kenny & Acitelli, 2001).

The motivation behind social projection is twofold. On one hand, individuals may project their own attitudes, characteristics, and values onto others as a means of seeing their own qualities in a positive light. On the other hand, the self provides a set of cognitive heuristics by which people can draw inferences rapidly and confidently, further influencing judgments and perceptions. Research suggests that the desire to maintain a positive self-image contributes significantly to various social projection processes. Individuals may define social concepts in self-serving ways, using traits central to their own self-concepts for evaluating others (Alicke, 1985). They may also make self-serving social comparisons, spontaneously judging others by comparing them with themselves. Additionally, individuals tend to assume that others share their weaknesses but view their strengths as unique, while distancing themselves from others who share their weaknesses (Mullen & Goethals, 1990).

Figure 4: Illustration of social projection (Aids Dempsey, 2024)

Moreover, the targets on whom individuals project their positive or negative qualities are not randomly selected. Positive qualities are often attributed to attractive targets, while negative qualities are projected onto unattractive or unfavorable targets. Both types of projection tend to increase under threats to self-esteem, such as negative feedback or poor performance, suggesting a link between social projection and the need to maintain self-worth. Furthermore, social projection influences judgments in stereotyping processes, particularly under threats to self-image. Threats to self-esteem reliably increase negative stereotyping, as individuals seek to bolster their self-worth by denigrating others. Stereotypes also serve to invalidate the expertise of those who view us negatively, allowing individuals to discredit evaluators and minimize the self-deflating aspects of criticism (Fiske & Taylor, 2017).

In summary, social projection represents a complex interplay between cognitive and motivational influences, rooted in the self-concept and shaped by the need for self-enhancement. By projecting their own attitudes, characteristics, and values onto others, individuals navigate the social world, striving to maintain a positive self-image and protect their self-esteem.

Illustration of attributing qualities to people around us
Figure 5: Illustration of attributing qualities to people around us (Ozuru, 2024).

Causal Attributions

In our journey through social cognition, we have encountered the fundamental processes through which individuals seek to unravel the mysteries of human behavior. Central to this endeavor is the concept of attribution, which delves into the causal explanations for people's actions and mental states (Kelly, 1989). Let us delve deeper into these concepts, shedding light on their significance in shaping our understanding of the social world.

Imagine two friends embroiled in a fervent debate over how to celebrate New Year's Day—should they attend a hockey game or a basketball game? While this may appear trivial on the surface, such conflicts often carry profound implications that can impact the dynamics of their relationship. Here, causal attributions come into play as individuals endeavor to comprehend the situation by considering factors such as each friend's known qualities, their dispositions, and the situational dynamics surrounding the argument (Heider, 1958). However, the process of making causal attributions is far from simplistic. Much of our understanding of causes is deeply embedded in our long-term memory, enabling us to swiftly access domain-specific knowledge to make sense of social events (Gilbert & Malone, 1995). For instance, upon learning about the breakup of a couple, we may draw upon our knowledge of common reasons for relationship dissolution, such as drifting apart or breach of trust, to infer the cause.

Moreover, causal reasoning operates on a dual-processing distinction, akin to other facets of social cognition (Chaiken & Trope, 1999). While some causal reasoning occurs spontaneously and automatically, particularly in response to unexpected or adverse events, explicit causal reasoning may be prompted when individuals need to make sense of unforeseen outcomes. For example, individuals may engage in explicit causal reasoning upon encountering a disappointing outcome, such as realizing that a highly anticipated elective course failed to meet their expectations (P. T. P. Wong & Weiner, 1981).

In the realm of social projection, these principles of causal reasoning intersect with individuals' propensity to project their own attitudes, traits, and values onto others. Social projection occurs when individuals estimate their own preferences, traits, and attitudes to be characteristic of others, often influenced by their own self-concept and motivational needs (Mullen & Goethals, 1990). Understanding how individuals make causal attributions and engage in social projection offers invaluable insights into the complexities of social cognition and the intricate ways in which individuals navigate their social environments. Through a combination of automatic and controlled processing, individuals construct their understanding of the social world, drawing upon both internal and external cues to comprehend themselves and others.

Illustration of individuals estimate their own preferences, traits, and attitudes to be characteristic of others (S Mott, 2024)
Figure 6: Illustration of individuals estimate their own preferences, traits, and attitudes to be characteristic of others (S Mott, 2024)

Basic Principles of Causation

Understanding cause-effect relationships is fundamental to how individuals perceive and interpret the world around them. Research on children's attribution processes sheds light on some of the basic principles of causation that people initially learn, which continue to guide adults in inferring causality, particularly in ambiguous or uninformative settings (Kassin & Pryor, 1985).

One foundational principle of cause-effect relations is the temporal precedence of causes preceding effects (Kassin & Baron, 1986). This principle becomes apparent by age 3 and is rarely contradicted in spontaneous causal attribution. Additionally, people perceive as causal those factors that exhibit temporal contiguity with the effect. An event occurring immediately before an effect is more likely to be seen as the cause than one occurring much earlier. Similarly, spatial contiguity is also considered, as individuals may dismiss a suspect's involvement in a robbery if they can establish an alibi. Moreover, perceptually salient stimuli are more likely to be perceived as causal than stimuli in the background. This aligns with the principle that causes resemble effects. Individuals generally assume that significant effects are produced by significant causes, and vice versa. For example, a major life stressor, such as divorce, might be attributed to the development of malignancy (Fiske & Taylor, 2017).

In uncertain or unfamiliar situations, adults also rely on these basic principles of causation (Einhorn & Hogarth, 1986). When individuals lack knowledge about a particular domain, they may resort to these fundamental causal rules. Conversely, individuals who are knowledgeable in a specific domain tend to consider domain-relevant causal information more prominently.

A study by S. E. Taylor, Lichtman, & Wood (1984) exemplifies this phenomenon in cancer patients. Those unsophisticated about cancer often attribute their condition to spatiotemporal contiguity, such as inferring that breast cancer was caused by a physical injury. In contrast, those knowledgeable about cancer tend to attribute their condition to domain-related causes, such as diet or genetic predisposition.

Illustration to emphasize the role of observation in causation
Figure 7: Illustration to emphasize the role of observation in causation (Hunor Veer, 2024)

Dispositional Attributions and Mind Perception

Much of our reasoning revolves around understanding others—deciphering their characteristics, discerning their goals, and unraveling the mysteries of why they do what they do. At the heart of this endeavor lies the concept of the theory of mind, a cognitive process through which individuals consider and interpret the mental states of others. Human beings, it seems, are wired to engage in theory of mind, a capacity that emerges early in life. Even as young as age 2, children begin to develop the ability to understand the contents of another person's mind, with a more sophisticated system for representing beliefs typically taking shape around age 4. However, this capacity is not universal; children with autism, for instance, often exhibit deficits in the theory of mind, underscoring the critical role it plays in typical social cognition (Pellicano, 2012).

Beyond the theory of mind lies the broader concept of mind perception, encompassing everyday mindreading—the process of inferring another's mental states, including beliefs, intentions, desires, and feelings (D. R. Ames & Mason, 2012). In this realm, individuals tend to project their own minds onto similar others, drawing from isolated similarities to mindread when behavior is ambiguous (D. R. Ames, 2004). Neuroscience sheds further light on these processes, revealing distinct neural systems engaged in mentalizing (mind perception) compared to mechanizing (action perception). Areas of the medial prefrontal cortex activate differently depending on whether individuals perceive others as similar or dissimilar to themselves, underscoring the nuanced nature of mind perception (Mitchell, Banaji, & Macrae, 2005). Yet, humans are not merely passive perceivers of minds; rather, we are over-enthusiastic mind perceivers (Epley & Waytz, 2010). We have a propensity to attribute minds even to objects, animals, and deities, influenced by factors such as the accessibility of agency, the motivation to explain, and the motivation to affiliate (Epley, Waytz, & Cacioppo, 2007). This inclination is evident in commonplace behaviors, such as talking to plants, computers, cars, and pets as if they possessed human-like dispositions.

Moreover, individuals attribute varying degrees of agency and experience to different entities, with adult humans seen as capable of both agency and experience, babies as more capable of experience than agency, and robots as more capable of agency than experience (H. M. Gray, Gray, & Wegner, 2007). This nuanced understanding of agency and experience shapes how individuals perceive and interact with the world around them, highlighting the complexity of mind perception in social cognition. As individuals endeavor to comprehend the behaviors of those around them, they frequently resort to inferring enduring traits, encompassing beliefs, characteristics, and abilities. Notably, this cognitive endeavor unfolds with remarkable rapidity, often grounded in subtle cues. Of particular interest is the impact of physical appearance, notably facial features, on the formation of trait impressions. Research demonstrates that individuals can glean insights into another's traits from their visage within a mere 100 milliseconds (Willis & Todorov, 2006). This expeditious cognitive processing underscores the efficiency with which the human mind operates in forming initial impressions. What is equally striking is the robustness of these swift judgments, as they align closely with more deliberate and thoughtful assessments over time, suggesting a persistent influence of initial impressions on subsequent perceptions. The significance of these rapid attributions extends beyond mere cognitive processes; rather, they wield tangible consequences in real-world scenarios. A seminal study examining perceptions of congressional candidates serves as a compelling illustration of this phenomenon. Participants were tasked with evaluating the competence of candidates based solely on facial appearance. Remarkably, these snap judgments of competence emerged as predictors of outcomes in US congressional elections, with candidates perceived as more competent based on facial cues securing a wider margin of victory (Todorov et al., 2005). This underscores the substantive impact of rapid and seemingly effortless trait attributions on consequential decision-making processes.

In essence, the expeditious formation of dispositional attributions constitutes a pivotal aspect of social cognition, shaping perceptions and influencing behaviors in manifold contexts. Understanding the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon provides invaluable insight into the intricacies of human interaction, illuminating the nuanced interplay between cognitive processes and social dynamics.

Illustration of process of inferring another's mental states (Basel Sedaif, 2024)
Figure 8: Illustration of the process of inferring another's mental state (Basel Sedaif, 2024)

Neural Bases of Inferences about Others

In order to understand the processes underlying social cognition, the neural bases that orchestrate our inferences about others should be discovered. Several brain regions reliably engage when individuals draw inferences about the mental states of their counterparts. Let us embark on a journey through these brain regions, unraveling their significance in shaping our understanding of social interactions.

At the heart of the theory of mind research lies a neural network comprising the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), the posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS) situated at the temporoparietal junction (TPJ), and the temporal pole (Gallagher & Frith, 2003). Each of these regions plays a distinct yet interconnected role in our ability to discern the thoughts and intentions of others. The ACC, nestled within the frontal lobe, contributes to monitoring and processing emotional and cognitive information, thereby facilitating our comprehension of social cues and behaviors.

Moving deeper into the brain, we encounter the posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS) located at the junction of the temporal and parietal lobes—a critical hub for processing social information. The pSTS serves as a nexus for integrating sensory input and attributing mental states to others, thereby enabling us to navigate the intricacies of social interactions (Rilling et al., 2004). Additionally, the temporal pole, situated within the temporal lobe, contributes to the encoding and retrieval of semantic and episodic memories, facilitating our ability to understand the intentions and motivations underlying others' actions (Gallagher & Frith, 2003).

Brain scan of selectivity to social interactions in the pSTS (Isik et al., 2017).
Figure 9: Brain scan of selectivity to social interactions in the pSTS (Isik et al., 2017).

As we ascend to the frontal regions of the brain, we encounter the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), a versatile hub implicated in both self-referential processing and inferring the mental states of others. Within the mPFC, the dorsal region assumes a central role in tasks requiring the understanding of others' mental states, serving as a neural substrate for our capacity for empathy and perspective-taking.

Furthermore, the right temporoparietal junction (rTPJ) emerges as a focal point for the attribution of mental states, exhibiting selective activation during tasks involving the interpretation of others' intentions and beliefs (Rilling et al., 2004).

When individuals engage in actual social interactions, additional regions of the brain come into play.

The anterior paracingulate cortex, sometimes referred to as the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), becomes increasingly active, reflecting the heightened cognitive demands associated with real-time social exchanges (Gallagher et al., 2002).

Moreover, the activation of the posterior STS and anterior paracingulate cortex appears to intensify when individuals interact with real human partners compared to hypothetical scenarios, underscoring the dynamic nature of neural processing during actual social engagement (Rilling et al., 2004).

In summary, the neural substrates of social inferences span a complex network of brain regions, each contributing uniquely to our capacity to understand the thoughts, intentions, and emotions of others. By unraveling the intricacies of these neural circuits, we deepen our understanding of the mechanisms underpinning social cognition, shedding light on the neural underpinnings of human social interaction.

Schematic overview of brain regions to make inferences about others (Schuwerk et al., 2014)
Figure 10: Schematic overview of brain regions to make inferences about others (Schuwerk et al., 2014).

As coming to an end in the expedition through the labyrinth of social cognition, we find ourselves standing at the threshold of a profound realization: the self, in its multifaceted glory, emerges as the fulcrum upon which the intricate machinery of attribution processes pivots. Through the wisdom gleaned from the works of luminaries such as Fiske, Taylor, and Higgins, we have traversed a landscape teeming with the rich tapestry of human cognition, delving into the depths of self-regulation, motivation, and neural underpinnings. In this culmination of our journey, we stand poised to unravel the intricate dance between self-perception and interpersonal understanding.

At the heart of attribution processes lies the self, serving as a beacon against which behaviors are interpreted and meanings attributed. Much like a mirror reflecting our own image back to us, the self-concept colors our perceptions of others, shaping how we attribute motives, intentions, and traits to those we encounter. Whether we find ourselves basking in the glow of self-enhancement or grappling with the discomfort of cognitive dissonance, the self remains ever-present, guiding our interpretations and shaping our interactions. Yet, the influence of the self extends beyond mere interpretation; it permeates the very fabric of our cognitive processes, shaping the strategies we employ in making attributions and the judgments we render about ourselves and others. From the rapid formation of dispositional attributions to the intricate neural mechanisms underlying mind perception, the self casts its shadow over every facet of social cognition, leaving an indelible imprint on our understanding of the social world.

In this tapestry of attribution processes, we find ourselves confronted with the enigma of social projection—a phenomenon wherein individuals project their own attitudes, characteristics, and values onto others. Rooted in the desire to maintain a positive self-image and bolster self-esteem, social projection serves as a testament to the intricate interplay between cognitive and motivational influences, offering a window into the complexities of human nature. Moreover, as we peer into the neural substrates of social inferences, we discover a labyrinth of interconnected regions, each contributing uniquely to our capacity to understand the thoughts, intentions, and emotions of others. From the anterior cingulate cortex to the posterior superior temporal sulcus, these neural circuits weave a tapestry of connectivity, illuminating the dynamic interplay between self-referential processing and the attribution of mental states.

In essence, our journey through attribution processes has unveiled the profound symbiosis between self and social cognition, revealing how the self serves as both anchor and compass in the tumultuous seas of human interaction. As we bid adieu to this chapter of our exploration, we carry with us a newfound appreciation for the intricacies of the human mind and the profound ways in which the self shapes our understanding of the world around us.

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Visual Sources


Lily Collins
Lily Collins
Jul 10, 2024

1v1 lol an excellent and insightful article, providing valuable insights into how humans perceive and understand themselves and others in a social context.


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May 23, 2024

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Gökalp Boz

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