Baldomero Villamil Otaño was born in 1997, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
He has a Bachelor Law degree from the University of Buenos Aires, specializing in corporate
During University he worked at a commercial court from the Judicial Branch of the Nation
and after several years of experience working on the Public Sector, he moved to the
Pharmaceutical Industry to gain more experience in the Contracts Management and
negotiations development.
He is very interested in the history of his country and the world as well and he is also up to
date of every change on the international legal, economic, and social contexts.
In parallel with his professional path, he has a very important vocation for music and
literature, finding in the song genre a synthesis of both. He has been studying guitar since
he was eleven years old and has participated in several writing competitions.
Baldomero enjoys reading books, playing guitar, and discovering new music.