Art Articles
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By the editors
The list of famous and influential hetairai can be significantly replenished. There are also many examples of the ambiguity of their position: these women could be simultaneously admired and accused of promiscuity, they could be patronised...

<Name of painting>
Author Name, 1870

<Name of painting>
Author Name, 1870
By the editors
Two great battles were fought, those of academic art that dealt with maneuvering painting as a list of rules to follow and that of avant-garde art, accompanied by these artists who brought a breath of fresh air to traditionalist painting...
By the editors
January 16, 2022 was a dark day of mourning for the Greek art world as it said the last goodbye to one of the most famous Greek artists,...

<Name of painting>
Author Name, 1870

<Name of painting>
Author Name, 1870
By the editors
The Quai-Branly Museum in Paris houses more than seventy thousand works - fetishes, thrones, masks, weapons, jewelry, textiles - that...
By the editors
Symbolism opens the gate for expression; the philosophical corners of the mind understand the world and all it contains in form of...

<Name of painting>
Author Name, 1870

<Name of painting>
Author Name, 1870
By the editors
One of the great patrons and collectors of the Italian Renaissance was Isabella d’Este (1474-1539). She came from the royal bloodline of...
By the editors
Seurat’s revolutionary and unconventional technique of pointillism reshaped landscape and figurative art at the end of the nineteenth century. Not only did pointillism question the value of shape and space perception, but it also invited the Neo-Impressionist painters...

<Name of painting>
Author Name, 1870

<Name of painting>
Author Name, 1870
By the editors
What seems most significant to me about our movement [Impressionism] is that we have freed painting from the importance of the subject....

By the editors
Caravaggio was not the first one who was using chiaroscuro but he was the one that made it the dominant style by darkening shadows and placing the subject under a strong light from one side. With this, his keen observation of physical and..

<Name of painting>
Author Name, 1870

<Name of painting>
Author Name, 1870
By the editors
Art is not and has never been naive. From the earliest times to the present day, man has used art as a mechanism of communication in...
By the editors
The aesthetic of Momčilo Nastasijević was created in a time when there was still belief in a possible totality, where artists struggled to find the central concept around which the world could be comprehended, or in fact, constructed...

<Name of painting>
Author Name, 1870

<Name of painting>
Author Name, 1870
By the editors
The Chamber of Psyche is one of the most special, prominent room, which served as a recreational room for the important guests of the Duke of Mantua. It is a space that exudes eroticism and can preoccupy with its decoration for those who enter and stay in it. The myth of Eros and Psyche was...
By the editors
It all began with an exhibition on the entrances of the Petit Palais and the Grand Palais on the banks of the Seine River in 1900. Crowds...

<Name of painting>
Author Name, 1870

By the editors
The recognition of textile practices as art is essential to unveil women's overlooked contributions to art and culture...
<Name of painting>
Author Name, 1870
By the editors
When the lives and artistic paths of Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti intertwined, they left an intangible and indelible trace.

<Name of painting>
Author Name, 1870